Customer survey

You have the opportunity to express your opinion on ASCOMETAL® on the basis of a number of criteria that we have selected as being significant and revealing.

This survey allows us to assess on a regular basis the wishes of ASCOMETAL® customers in terms of service and quality. For each criteria, we would like you to:

  • Evaluate our performance vs competitors: ASCOMETAL® is among the best, above average, below average or among the worst vs suppliers of similar steel products.
  • Evaluate how our performance evolves over time: Year under assessment shows improvement, stability or deterioration in comparison to the last period.

You will first assess ASCOMETAL® globally and then each plant you are working with on a regular basis.

We shall bring all necessary corrective actions further to your feed back.


    Your satisfaction by Plant

    Please select a plant

    Ascometal® customer account number






    Year under assessment*

    Product Quality

    Intrinsic quality of the products supplied, freedom from defects.

    We are :

    Change Compared to previous period

    Technical assistance

    Efficiency of technical support, frequency of visits, speed of response, development of new products, assistance with their implementation

    We are :

    Change Compared to previous period

    Length of lead times /fast-track capability

    Length of quoted lead times, fast-track supply capability

    We are :

    Change Compared to previous period

    Respect of lead times

    Reliability of quoted lead times and delivery performance, including compliance with order quantities :

    We are :

    Change Compared to previous period

    Packaging, marking, transport

    Quality of packaging, legibility of labels :

    We are :

    Change Compared to previous period

    Commercial documents

    Test certificates and order acknowledgments : intrinsic design quality, clarity and legibility, good information density, delivery on time, teletransmission :

    We are :

    Change Compared to previous period

    Management of complaints

    Response time, quality of response, financial settlement :

    We are :

    Change Compared to previous period

    In case you feel - for some criteria - ASCOMETAL® being below average or the worst, please feel free to indicate the reasons :

    Your remarks

    Your expectations

    Many thanks for taking some of your time to give us a feed back.
    Our technical and commercial teams as well as general management will have a copy of your report.

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